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After murder the corpses and hardly alive persons were moved to the second floor where was no fire traces anywhere and there poured napalm over their heads and shoulders and set on fire, in order that bodies was impossible to identify.
The rooms and staircases were filled up with corpses. There weren’t 41 persons there as it was presented in the official in mass media or Internet. Their number was 116.
25 октября компания финансовых новостей CNBC привлекла внимание массовых СМИ к крупнейшему в истории США иску об отмывании денег и рэкете. В течение нескольких часов страница с правдивым материалом была удалена, а старший вице-президент CNBC Кевин Крим получил известие о том, что его дети были убиты. Становится ясно, что это было заказанное банкстерами убийство. Публикуем статью об убийцах-банкирах в США.
Member States of NATO and the GCC are preparing a coup d’état and a sectarian genocide in Syria. If you want to prevent these crimes, you should act now: circulate this article on the Internet and alert your elected officials.
In a few days, perhaps as early as Friday, June 15, at noon, the Syrians wanting to watch their national TV stations will see them replaced on their screens by TV programs created by the CIA.
Hillary Clinton is an interesting case study. She started four years ago as a charming Secretary of State, the smile on the snout to wipe out the snarl of her predecessor, Condoleezza Rice and four years on, she appears on camera butch, a trucker-type probably complete with tattoos, insolent, inconsequential and incompetent. We now understand Bill.
What happened to Hillary Clinton?
Her credentials for the position of Secretary of State were never that great; let us be honest: someone who lied on camera for all to see about getting off an aircraft in the middle of a war zone in Bosnia in the 1990s ...
Детали начала оснащения лагерей ФЕМА и лагерей американской армии по всей территории США.
Раздел 1031 законопроекта NDAA провозглашает всю территорию США «полем боя» и позволяет арестовывать американских граждан и заключать в тюрьму в Гуантанамо. Армия выпустила программный документ в отношении рабочей силы гражданских заключённых. Закон о чрезвычайных центрах в стране. Операция по массовым задержаниям Rex 84. Элементы полицейского государства складываются вместе. NDAA был разработан именно для обеспечения правового механизма переключения военных с борьбы с Аль-Кайедой на активистов.
Пол Баллес утверждает, что «американцы не только демонстрируют веру в своё превосходство над другими странами, но поступки их лидеров так же демонстрируют высокомерное превосходство над массами американской общественности». Ущербные войны – во Вьетнаме или Афганистане не решили ничего, кроме того, что увеличили число врагов американского высокомерия.
Paul J. Balles argues that “not only do Americans display a belief in their superiority over other countries, but their leaders’ actions reveal an arrogant pre-eminence over the masses of the American public”. Ill-begotten wars – from Vietnam to Afghanistan – increasing enemies toward American arrogance.
Россия и Китай должны быть начеку, чтобы не быть одураченными и втянутыми в большую войну, результат которой, как всегда, будет в наживе англосаксонских международных пиратов.
Поэтому, в конце нам остаётся ответить на этот важный вопрос: занимаемся ли мы серьёзно этой проблемой и спасаем мир от следующего глобального конфликта и неминуемой трагедии; встанут ли единым фронтом страны, которые всё ещё сохраняют возможность независимого от англо-американского гегемонии руководства? Возможно, Россия, Китай, Иран, Индия, Пакистан, Саудовская Аравия, Турция и Индонезия проявят осмотрительность.
Боевики Аль-Каиды и ПНС отрезают электроэнергию и воду для многих мирных жителей по всей Ливии. Голод - оружие против семей.
Бригада Аль-Каиды Бел Хаджа планирует закрыть все выходы "основных магистралей" от Триполи, а также отключить электричество / воду во многих областях.
Бригада Аль-Каиды Бел Хаджа объявила войну против всех соперников в Триполи после встречи в Турции. Возможно, что такое решения пришло извне.
2 взрыва произошли в Мисурате. Зелёное сопротивление ударило по двум позициям бригады Северной Мисураты.
Источник в Матабе обнародовал разьяснения из 8 пунктов, касающиеся статуса Сейфа-аль-Ислама и Зеленого Сопротивления Джамахирии
1. Сейф-аль-Ислам не является лидером ни Зеленого Сопротивления Джамахирии, ни Ливийской революции. Он так же, как и все другие ливийские граждане, имеет все права и свободы, гарантированные Великой Зеленой Хартией прав и свобод человека, принятой Народными Собраниями/ Конгрессами, начиная с 1988 года. Его личное положение не оказывает влияния на Зеленое Сопротивление Джамахирии, которое сражается за восстановление именно этих прав и свобод, ...
According to reports reaching us, the martyr humiliated and presented as Muammar Al-Gaddafi, in videos and photographs that have been shown around the world, has been identified as the real person actually called Ali Majid Al Andalus who was an inhabitant of Sirte in Libya and was famous for his resemblance to the brother Leader of the El Fateh Revolution.
The man in the photo with the bullet hole in the head was not Muammar al Gaddafi, but his double. He called himself 'Ahmid'. Just look at his face and compare it with that of the true Muammar Al- Gaddafi!
Бомбежками НАТО, которые продолжались несколько месяцев, и обстрелами наемников НАТО и Аль-Каиды некогда цветущий город, жемчужина Средиземноморья, превращен в огромное кладбище.
Город Сирт стал символом героического сопротивления арабских, мусульманских племен Ливийской Джамахирии европейским неоколонизаторам!
Refugees from the Libyan coastal city of Sirte report that thousands have died as a result of relentless NATO bombardment and shelling by Western-backed "rebels."
The Associated Press coldly announced the massacre of a group of Black people who were settled in a camp in front of the Libyan official residence. Dozens of dead bodies were found, hands tied behind their backs. The American news agency pointed out that these people were not combatants. Michel Collon and the delegation who went to Libya in July had met these men who loved Libya.
Michel Collon : « I have met these people while on mission in Tripoli. I talked with some of them. Contrary to what the media and the rebels proclaimed, they were in no way « mercenaries ». Some were black skinned Libyans – as a matter of fact, a major part of the population in Libya is composed of Black African people – ...
Война с Ливией является одним из фаз многоэтапного проекта НАТО по отношению к глобальному конфликту. Ожесточенное сопротивление ливийских военных, племенных и народных сил, сорвало продолжение этого стратегического плана против Сирии, Ирана и Пакистана, как следующий этап НАТО в глобальном конфликте.
Когда западные СМИ сообщают, что есть небольшие участки, которые еще не находятся под контролем ПНС, они должны учесть о Южной Ливии, которая находится прочно под контролем ливийских войск.
31 октября НАТО обещает снять воздушные силы из Ливии, но в то же время надо внимательно следит за ситуацией.
Редакция Mathaba о «смерти» Муаммара Каддафи
Люди волнуются, жив ли лидер мировой революции, Муаммар Каддафи, или нет. Позвольте нам проанализировать этот вопрос, и занять некоторые определенные позиции, основанные на Третьей Всемирной Теории, которую отстаивал Муаммар Каддафи.
Прежде всего, позвольте объяснить, почему это имеет значение, и почему нет. Для террористов, атакующих африканскую Ливию, для НАТО, наемников и крыс-«исламистов» это имеет значение, потому что это была для них ключевая цель номер 1, из которой вытекает все остальное. Для них Каддафи это Ливия и Джамахирия.
The withdrawal of the old colonial powers from Africa, in the context of a developing cold war, (1), a developing Pan-African Nationalism (2), and the rising cost of maintaining a colonial administration system, during the nineteen-hundred and sixties left the African nations in a euphoric state of independence. In most cases this euphoria was soon to be substituted by chocking massacres and conflict, coup d´etats unrest and destabilization. The old colonial rulers had returned with a vengeance. Over fifty years later, most African nations are, in spite of the richness of their resources and productivity of their population, ...
Ongoing bombardment of Sirte by NATO aircraft in support of the rebel brigades who are indiscriminately firing tank, mortar and artillery shells into this urban, civilian-populated area. Rasmussen has refused to comment on why NATO is not fulfilling its UN mandate to ‘protect the civilian population.’
The crimes against humanity in Libya have required the participation and complicity of a large number of people. But the chief responsibility lies with the political leaders involved in pushing for war and the use of military force at every stage of this conflict: President Barack Obama, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minister David Cameron.
Недавние массовые протесты в США в рамках инициативы "Оккупируй Уолл-стрит", неотвратимо ширятся. На сегодняшний день люди уже выходят с протестами в 85 американских городах и еще 200 готовятся к протестам, в то время как 1150 сообществ со всего мира планируют глобальные демонстрации на 15 октября. Декларация протестующих Нью Йорка. Когда вы ее изучите, надеюсь Вы обратите внимание, что она в значительной степени соответствует принципам, изложенным в "Зеленой Книге" Муаммара Каддафи.
Recent mass protests following the OccupyWallStreet initiative in the U.S. are spreading unstoppably.
US protesters stormed US congress in an attempt to shut down congress. Americans believe that congress is bought by major corporation and that the politicians in congress do not uphold the interests of Americans, rather the corporations. Activists believe that the protests have spread to over a thousand cities.
Протестующие требуют Непосредственную демократию, также известную как Jamahariya, управляющую систему, которая позволяет всем гражданам участвовать в правительственном принятии решения, в отличие от представительной демократии, которая также расценивается как периодическая диктатура.
Brave Bani Walid women – fatal for NTC traitors
Heroic women of Sirte – libyan lionesses
Green resistance is strong, especialy in the cities of Sirte and Bani Walid. NTC forces have not been able to take control of these cities which they are attacking for many weeks now. NTC forces are experiencing major difficulties in their progress. Lack of coordination and lack of moral are top of the iceberg, ferocious women fighters of these cities are one of the reasons why they feel so demoralized and lost. Defeated manhood is a heavy burden, dificult to cope with, especially if you are in the middle of the war.
The situation in Sirte is dire. Six weeks under siege after months of aerial attacks. Children and old people dead of hunger and thirst. Water supply hit. Hospitals without medical supplies to treat the ill and injured, and then bombed by NATO. The dead lying in the streets. Constant ‘targeted’ nightly aerial bombardment by NATO air forces. Constant ‘fire at will’ daytime attacks from ill-disciplined NTC rebels using tanks, rockets, mortars and howitzers. In their missile-launcher-laden graffiti-decorated pick-up trucks, the rebels drive into the city edges in the morn and back out by dark, ...
In his letter to “Seven Days News” Mu'tasim Billah Gaddafi said that the Transitional Council is well aware that it can not survive in Libya for one week after the withdrawal of NATO, on the other hand, the resistance is fighting battles comfortably and that is the great difference between Jamahyria soldiers and Transitional insurgents.
“Временный совет прекрасно понимает, что он не может выжить в Ливии в течение одной недели после ухода НАТО, с другой стороны, Сопротивление ведет сражения комфортно и в этом заключена разница между солдатами Джамахирии и наемниками.
October 6, 2011. TRIPOLI, Libya — Libya's interim rulers were busy this week: They cheered the imminent fall of Moammar Gadhafi's hometown, ordered trigger-happy revolutionary fighters out of the capital, formed a new caretaker Cabinet and announced the discovery of 900 corpses in two mass graves.
Временные правители Ливии были заняты на этой неделе: они приветствовали неминуемое падение родного города Муаммара Каддафи, пытались убрать из столицы готовых пострелять по любому поводу революционных бойцов, формировали новый наблюдательный кабинет и объявляли об обнаружении девятисот трупов в двух массовых захоронениях.
In the past decade, Washington has killed, maimed, dislocated, and made widows and orphans millions of Muslims in six countries, all in the name of the “war on terror.” Washington’s attacks on the countries constitute naked aggression and impact primarily civilian populations and infrastructure and, thereby, constitute war crimes under law. Nazis were executed precisely for what Washington is doing today.
За прошедшее десятилетие Вашингтон убил, искалечил, изгнал с родины и сделал вдовами и сиротами миллионы мусульман в шести странах мира, и все это во имя «войны с терроризмом».
Occupy WallStreet protests have spread outside US to other Western nations, Canadians and Australians are already planning similar protests and now it has spread all the way to London. Protesters plan to occupy London's Trafalgar Square against British aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
Протесты в США на WallStreet распространяются на другие Западные страны, канадцы и австралийцы уже планируют подобные протесты, и теперь протесты начались в Лондоне. Граждане Британии планируют занять Трафальгарскую площадь Лондона, протестуя против британской агрессии в Афганистане, Ираке и Ливии.
Appeal of participants of picket against the NATO aggression in Libya to the UN General Assembly.
Seven months are continuing bombing of the Libyan territory by aircraft of NATO countries. During this time, more than 20 thousand sorties are made and large numbers of bombs are abandoned. Are killed more than 30 thousand Libyans.
For the shortest possible time – a month of aggravation of the situation in Libya, March 18, 2011 UN Security Council adopted resolution 1973, which gives the green light to NATO countries not only to interfere in the internal affairs of Libya, but also to destroy Libyans, which NATO countries supposedly decided to protect.
I’ll try to keep all those Westerners who care about Libyan people informed about current events on the multitude of its fronts. On the seaside and in the desert. This is the first trial war report. I am not a professional journalist, but a research fellow in the field of applied philosophy. Since mid-80s I am concerned exclusively with the problem of Global Crisis and Global Survival. And it’s not an alarmist bad joke that the Large Chaos we are witnessing now at Arab East may easily come to our Slav countries and our own homesteads. Or, incidentally, even to Your homes... Hence this new project.
The time is coming when the nato will leave from libya and the rats will panicly be defeated.
According to the writen or voice message that will be adressed soon by our brother leader to the people of Libya about the strategy of how to plan for the future of the post-nato Libya.
1.First of all the volunteers of the tribes that will clean the Libyan towns and villages and cities would only clean them with a fight. will respect any captive and release him in short period of time and will honour the word moujaheed.
Командир ливийской исламской боевой группы Аль-Каиды и по совместительству военачальник Национального переходного совета Ливии Абдель Хаким Бельхадж пишет статьи для английской газеты The Guardian. «Мировая элита оскверняет память погибших в «Войне с террором» под хохот юмориста-террориста Бельхаджа, всю свою жизнь убивавшего американских и британских солдат»
Al Qaeda LIFG leader Abdul Belhaj writes column for Guardian! Global elite defile memories of "War on Terror" dead, humor terrorist Belhaj who fought and killed Western troops.
"The Leader of the Revolution and his family have not enriched themselves with Libya's oil wealth and are among the most simple living citizens. No one has been able to show that Gaddafi or his family had assets or accounts. That is more proof of the honesty and transparency of this family and shows that they are an ordinary Libyan family. All wealth of Libya is traceable to functioning companies and institutions."
«Лидер Революции и его семья не обогатились от нефтяных богатств Ливии и являются одними из самых простых проживающих граждан. Никто не был в состоянии показать имущество или счета Каддафи и его семьи... »
To the great people of Libya, I salute you.
I will not tell you that victory is approaching, but that we live victorious every day for the last 8 months and we are lining up a victory which has never been witnessed in history.
40 countries, with their attacks using planes, missiles and technologies by air and sea and utilizing their agents on the ground. And the Libyan people are still resilient and fighting. I commend these heroes and I congratulate all of the Libyan people, along with your Great Leader, whom I bring relief to you and inform you is currently well. He is well Thank God, and is also faithful to God and remains in high spirits. He bears a weapon and is fighting on the battlefield with his sons, side by side with the Libyan fighters.
Confirmation comes regarding NATO Mercenaries who were trapped, gained heavy casualties in Sabha and fled. At least 45 killed and hundreds captured, the green flag still flying over Sabha according to new reports.
22/sept/11 Source from within Libya state that many NATO mercenaries have been captured by the Tarhuna Tribe, and the Tribe promised to continue fighting until every inch of the town is liberated, and all remnants of Mercenaries are kicked out. Previously scenes of celebrations were reported in Tarhuna as thousands sang and cheered at the cover of the night, joyful faces emerged, waving green flag and chanting pro-Jamahariya slogans.
Alrai TV reported heavy fightings inside Tripoli, heavy gunfire and explosions heard. This comes as the Zero Hour is quickly approaching, although NATO has promised to continue the terror operations, it is uncertain whether NATO members states would vote for the continuation of the operations because of the huge economic failures.
Libyans are aware of this fact, and as the Zero Hour approaches, fighting intensifies. Many towns have been liberated within few days as NATO militia factions turn against each other like criminals fighting over stolen bounty.
Syria-based ArRai TV exclusively broadcasted an interview in Arabic with Libyan Government's spokesman Dr. Moussa Ibrahim on September 18, below is a partial translation of the interview.
Dr. Moussa Ibrahim: "The world now sees what kind of crimes have been done against the Libyans. I want to say: Shame on the Arabs who supported those criminals and stayed silent in front of this injustice against us. Shame on all the journalists and the so-called intellectuals who haven't even tried to come and see by their own eyes whether it was true or not that we're persecuting our people.
These principals are NOT being enforced in Libya by the United Nations chartered countries who have sworn to uphold these principals in particular all the countries aligned in NATO!
Let it be known world wide that in view of the clear breach of United Nations Resolution 1973 by NATO allied countries, who are bombing and killing Libya civilians instead of protecting them as was their stated mission and the fact that the United Nations has not met to prevent the clear violation of this resolution despite the war crimes being committed by NATO, that the United Nations should no longer to be viewed as a creditable organisation. The United Nations no longer stands for the principal for which it came into existence!
As exposed here on CounterPunch the lies used to justify the NATO war against Libya have surpassed those created to justify the invasion of Iraq. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both had honest observers on the ground for months following the rebellion in eastern Libya and both have repudiated every major charge used to justify the NATO war on Libya.
Ничего нового. Для нормальных людей - всё уже известно. Но для Запада интересный текст про истинные причины войны в Ливии. Говориться о том, что теракт над Локерби был провокацией западных спецслужб.
As I write these words, Tripoli is attacked by up to five thousand mercenaries from European private military companies, Qatar and other countries. They come from the sea. Ground operation of NATO in Libya, contrary to all earlier assurances of politicians and the public, has begun.
Well, the Libyans knew it would happen. They armed themselves at the beginning of the war, they waited, they promised to show hell to invades as soon as they descends to the ground. We wish them good luck. As Libyans say themselves, Allah, Muammar, Libya – and nothing more!
“Libya is a great opportunity for Russia to become a superpower. It’s similar to what happened in Egypt when the Soviet Union managed to stop the French and the British. It’s exactly what is happening now in Libya. And from then on the Soviet Union became a super power, because at that time it said: you stop aggression against Egypt, or we are going to bomb London and Paris. It’s the same again.”
This page is dedicated to exposing the war crimes being committed in Libya by NATO and the NATO backed “rebels” otherwise known as Al-Qaeda. The pictures, videos, and info are all coming from inside Libya, from refuges, civilians and independent (non-government) aid organizations. The only goal is to get the truth out about the people we as a country are backing and the real results of NATO’s continued bombing raids on the densely populated cities inside of Libya.
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